Commercial Masterclass Showcase on April 10th
Commercial Masterclass Showcase on April 10th
This class takes place on Thursday, April 10th from 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM EST
This is a VIRTUAL class.
- Industry Pros Guests-
Commercial Agent Caila Cordwell of AMT
Casting Director Jen Kelley of Big Picture Casting
Casting Director Hunter McHugh
Want to make a living as an actor? Getting great at commercials is a great way to help you accomplish that goal! Join us for this incredible intensive where we all actors will receive feedback on headshot, selftape, mock commercial callback.
Everyone needs to come “callback ready.” This means, as if you were going to have a REAL callback scenario from home. Even better is receiving feedback and learning from multiple industry pros that are working in the business everyday.
Commercial headshot
Commercial Self-tape
Live Zoom Callback
3 industry Pro Showcase
This class is for 18+yrs